Scripture Reading - Deuteronomy 11:11 KJV

But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven:

The “first heaven” is the region above the earth and beneath the second heaven. It is commonly referred to as the “atmospheric heaven” predominately because the air we (people) breath exist abundantly above the earth. Not only does this gaseous mixture bless all mankind but the animals living upon the earth are sustained by the substance of the “first heaven” too. Have you ever noticed that there seems to be an endless supply of air while you are upon the earth but when man is too high above the earth or too low beneath the surface of the earth (in the water) the air man needs to breath is not in abundance. This is because God perfectly created men, women and land animals to live upon the earth according to His Will. This “first heaven” includes the blue skies and the clouds that give us “the rain of heaven”. Yes, along with the natural blessing of the “first heaven” it should also be noted that spiritual blessings also actively exist in this region. The “first heaven” is what many bible scholars refer to as the spiritual battle-ground for the earth. Since the third heaven is God’s Throne where only good resides we know there are no battles there. In contrast, since the center of the earth is satan’s throne where evil dominates the souls of fallen men and evil spiritual creatures there is usually not a lot of battles for souls in that region either. However, the perfect middle ground is the “first heaven” because the only separation from hell and the “first heaven” is the earth and the only separation from the Third Heaven and the “first heaven” is the second heaven. Yes, since this region of the “first heaven” has essential influence in the activity of mankind it is a habitation of both good spirits and bad spirits. The Good News of God’s Word tells us that we all (as Christians) have guardian angels to protect us from evilness, wickedness and spiritual danger, therefore we should not fear.-Refer to Matthew 18:10 Yes, just like in the natural passing dark clouds of rain never last forever, so it is in the spirit realm. Although a spiritual storm of darkness may rain upon our house we will surely stand whenever our house is built upon the Holy Indestructible Word of God. So remember dear saint of God this “first heaven” was created for man, so never be afraid of things going on in this region because greater is our God that is inside of us than everything and anything that is happening in the world around us. We are not just protected by God’s powerful ministering holy spirits (angels) but we also are covered by the precious Blood of Jesus. We (ihlcc) ask you, dear child of God, what can overcome the Blood of Jesus Christ? Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing is able to overcome (defeat) the Blood of Jesus, our Lord. His Blood has ultimate power in the region of hell, upon the earth, in the Third Heaven, in the second heaven and yes absolutely in this “first heaven” in the Name of Jesus. Amen!